Диалог из упр. 3 прикреплен ниже.
Myself: What do you think about the party? I am enjoying it. - Я: Что ты думаешь по поводу этой вечеринки. Мне нравится тут.
Nastya: Yes, same. I love it. - Настя: Да, мне тоже.
Myself: Look at the girls who are standing in the corner. - Посмотри на девочек, которые стоят в углу.
Nastya: The ones wearing floral dresses? - Которые в платьях в цветочек?
Myself: Yes. Do you know them? - Да, ты их знаешь?
Nastya: I don't know them personally but I know that they are Katya's friends. - Я лично их не знаю, но я знаю, что она подруги Кати.
Myself: They are so pretty. Do they go to our school? - Они такие милые. Они ходят в нашу школу?
Nastya: Yes, they are a year older than us. - Да, они на год старше нас.
Myself: I wonder what they are like. - Интересно, какие они (по характеру).
Nastya: Well, all Katya's friends are nice. I am sure they are too. Shall we go and talk to them? - Ну, все друзья Кати хорошие. Я уверена, что и они тоже. Пойдем и поговорим с ними?
Myself: Yes, let's go. - Да, давай.
Ответ дан в приложении.............
<span>Does our teacher know foreigh languages?</span>
<span>Has he graduated from our University last year?</span>
<span>Shall we go to the Samara next week?</span>
<span>Are they working in our garden?</span>
<span>Have i just read this book?</span>
<span>Did i take this book from my friend?</span>
<span>Is he like reading books?</span>
<span>Has she many relaties abroad?</span>
<span>Did they be in many countries?</span>
Eva will visit China
Eva will buy a fast car
Eva will become a teacher
Eva will be on TV
Eva will travell a lot