Responsibility broadens new horizons to an easier life. потому что Responsibility >> it! - 3 лицо ед. числа
1. Солнце встаёт рано и садится поздно.
2. Он обычно встает в половину шестого.
3. Московское метро очень известно
1. What question is being discussed? - Discussed the work of our scientific circle.2. It can be seen in the library every day3. When the new school will be open?4. I have been offered a new job5. for our city recently built a little beautiful buildings6. The school teaches English7. What are the attractions of the city are shown to tourists?8. When a telegram delivered?9. This event schiroko commented in the press
<span>sniffing of the armpits
You will be in the course of the day sniffing your armpits until the smell changes
own nose