I have known her for a long time .
Здесь будет глаголы в Present Perfect.
<span>Nicke lives in New York. Masha and Kolya live in Tambov. I live at number 1. My friend lives in Moskow. We live in Russia</span>
Бенгальский тигр это национальное животное Индии. Он рыжий или оранжевый с черными, серыми или коричневыми полосками. Он прячется в высокой траве и охотится на больших животных, таких, как олени. Это действительно красивое животное.
Индийская кобра это черная, коричневая, белая или желтая змея. Это очень опасная змея.
Индийские слоны очень большие и высокие (2-3 метра), но у них маленькие уши. Обычно большая самка является главой семейства слонов. Индийцы используют слонов для переноса тяжелых вещей с помощью хобота.
Индийский носорог забавное животное! У него всего один рог. (Африканские носороги имеют два). Он обычно живет один и любит сидеть в воде или в грязи. На сегодня существует только около 2500 Индийских носорогов.
1. I've got a collection.
2. It's a fridge magnet collection.
3. I've been collecting them for 5 years already.
4. There are a lot of animals in my collection: a cat, a dog, a monkey, a mouse, a horse, a pig and many others.
5. I like my beautiful magnet collection.
<span>1. He said that the company carried
out a lot of research to make sure that the commercial would appeal to the
target audience.<span>
2. The
suppliers threatened us that they would sue us if we canceled the agreement."
<span>3. The
chief accountant said to the employees that they would be given a 10% salary
increase the following month.
4. The
customs officer asked Mr.Vito if he had anything to declare.
<span>5. She
said that she had met Mr.Luis while she had been attending Seattle World's
<span>6. They
cautioned me not to make a statement before I had consulted the lawyer.
<span>7. The
book said that supply was the amount of a commodity that producers were willing
and able to offer for sale at a specified price.
<span>8. The
Vice President announced that they were not going to compromise with their
<span>9. We
asked the corporate management when they were planning to set up a subsidiary.
<span>10. The
director-general asked Miss Benson's immediate boss if he could tell Miss
Benson that she had been made redundant.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span>