Summer holidays is my favourite time of all the year ,because during this amazing time i can have fun with friends , sunbathe near the sea and just relax after hard studying year. This summer i've spend with my sister and mom near in Italy.It was awesome! The weater was fantastic ! Every day was full of different exciting exursions and unforgettable impressions.Moreover, I've got some foreign friend in Italy.Also , i had a chance to improve my englisg speaking skills.To cut a long story short, I would like to say that this summer was the best I've ever had. But if you want to enjoy your next summer holidays as i did, you shouldn't travel abroad. It would be much more better to spend this time with your relatives and friends, wo love you so much!
You could spend money to improve the school,if she's tacky.
You can spend the money for teaching children,for example on new textbooks,and Tutors.
<span>Could be improved atmosphere around the school,to make more flower beds,Playground and the like.</span>
<span>1. - e
2. - c
3. - d
4. - b
5. - a</span>
Вот сам перевод, коряво конечно, отредактируй чуть чуть):
Истинный друг Шишир Друг похож на звезду, которая мерцает и светится или, может быть, как океан, который плавно течет. Друг, как золото, которым ты должен дорожить И заботиться о тебе во веки веков. Друг похож на ангела, который здесь, чтобы вести вас. Друг - это тот, кому вы можете доверять из немногих. Друг больше, чем один на миллион. Они - один на один миллион, а ты, мой друг, очень особенный, и это официально.
Present Simple
Lives, gets, takes, doesnt to have, catches,starts,has,is,is, are, is, has, brush, yawn, go, changes, brushes, talks, smokes, talks, wait, arrives,visit, dance,rest, have. Все они употреблены в этом случае.