Next to... = рядом с... Обычно используется с предметами, стоящими в одном ряду с чем-либо.
<span>в настоящем времени :
</span><span>I clean my room.
I help my mom wash, iron and do spring cleaning.
I cook something easy to eat for breakfast.</span>
Carlson is a popular literary character created by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Carlson lives in a small house on the roof of an apartment building in Stockholm, in the Vasastan district, where Astrid Lindgren herself lived. Carlson's best friend is the seven-year-old Svante, the youngest child in the Svanteson family, nicknamed the Kid.
Перевод этого текста:Печатное слово
1 ingredient 2 medical 3 improve 4 patient 5 advice
1 nation 2 cough syrup 3 unique 4 stressed
1 must 2 have to 3 can 4 might 5 may
1 some 2 an 3 much 4 a few 5 more 6 some 7 many 8 a lot of
1 Are you OK 2 I feel terrible 3 what's wrong 4 you should see a doctor 5 I suppose you are right