1. I need to use a fax machine.
2. He needs a mobile phone.
3. We don't have a computer at home.
4. I use the lift every day.
5. Is your wife a sales manager?
6. Sandra works from home once a month.
7. Chief Accountant Marco helps three times a week.
1 When is Jane going to visit her granny?
2 What did the businessmen do yesterday? What did the businessmen discuss yesterday?
3 Who was interested in the latest business events?
4 How many apples does he eat a day?
5 Why will Ann miss the party?
6 What is Tim preparing?
7 When did she ask many questions?
8 What did he drink yesterday?
9 What is Sue looking for?
10 Who (или what, точно не помню) smells delicious?
11 Where want they go?
12 How much does book cost?
13 Who came from Manchester?
14 Who (или What опять же) is getting worse?
15 Who doesnt like mushrooms
16 Whom did we meet a couple of days ago?
3. The prince invited the unkind sisters to the palace
Принц пригласил злых сестёр во дворец
4. One day a Fairy Godmother visited her
Однажды её посетила Крёстная фея
5. She asked the Fairy Godmother for help
Она попросила Крёстную фею о помощи
6. She danced with the prince at the palace
Она танцевала с принцем во дворце
7. The prince married her
Принц женился на ней
8. They lived happily ever after
Они жили долго и счастливо
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