A) foot
b) child
c) roof
d) news (единственного числа нет)
e) box
f) trousers (единственного числа нет)
q) postman
j) mouse
In the winter,usually when people get sick,walking around the city the flu.I was not spared and I got sick.The temperature was high,cough,runny nose,and all this during the most difficult,third quarter.But the flu did not stay in my body for a long time and I am healthy again and ready to learn.
Home for different people has different meanings. For me personally it is very important that the home actually is. How many people in the world don't know the true meaning of the word.. . I like to be with parents, family and friends at home. They will always support me in difficult times and we have fun spending time together. Home fun to show your friends when you invite them for a visit. Even better, when you go to someone's home. New experiences in the home for others, always encouraging, because they have not much as I have. When I grow up, I will create my own house, but my will always be his Parental home.
That have jumping on the перевалка не знаю
A) I am good, because l sometimes boring and noise