Now, at the moment, at present , these days, listen! Look! - Present Continuous
Usually, often, never, every week /year/day, from time to time, on Mondays /Tuesdays /Wednesdays/Thursdays /Fridays /Saturdays /Sundays - Present Simple
Last year/week/day, in 2000, from 2002 to 2004, the day before yesterday, last night - Past Simple
Past Continuous - 5 o'clock yesterday, all day long, ...from...till, when, while
Present Perfect - already, yet, just, recently, lately, so far, before
Past Perfect - before, after.
Present Perfect Continuous - all day/night, morning.
Future Simple - tomorrow, next year/day/week, next Monday, in 2018.
Future Continuous - at 5 o'clock tomorrow
Вот Body Language eagle in English
1. On what are based our planned activities?
2.How do meteorologists know the weather forecast?
3. How did people predict weather in the old days?
4. What was developed to help people prepare themselves for weather events?
5. Describe some techniques do predict weather.
По горизонтали:
1. Мальчики обычно не любят носить белый ...
2. Девушки носить его с черной юбкой.
3. Они, как правило, синий.
6. Вы должны их образом спорта.
По вертикали:
1. Это хорошо и тепло.
4. Только девушки носить его.
5. Вы носите его в школе.
6. Иногда есть смешные слова лицами на нем.
Прежде, чем вернутся в реальный мир, уверьтесь, что:
Вроде так)