1. a) who 2. b) which 3. b) when
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1) I love cats.
2) Animals is allocated category of organisms, is now regarded as a biological kingdom. Animals are the main object of study zoology.
3) Animals are eukaryotes (cells available cores).
4) Spiders is detachment arthropods, the second largest known members of the Arachnida class.
5) My family always watch Animal Planet chanel.
6) Leo is kind of predatory mammals, one of the four members of the genus Panther belonging to the subfamily of big cats.
7) Her sister has big snake.
8) Hare is a family of mammals of the order Lagomorpha.
9) Sometimes I visit zoo, there I can see a lot of animals, such as snakes, tigers, rabits, hourses, etc.
10) Butterfly is detachment Endopterygota, most characteristic representatives of the presence a thick cover of chitin flakes.
A boy with a ball has the collie
A boy with biscuits has bulldog
A boy with a car has setter
A boy with a bicycle has Scottie
Six thirty или Half past seven
Eleven thirty или Half past eleven
Two thirty или Half past two
Three thirty или Half past three
Eight thirty или Half past eight
Ten thirty или Half past ten