Формообразование:глагол "Have\has" + been + смсловой глагол с окончание ing
Указатели времени, (сигналы), употребляемые с этим временем: since, for, how,long
Употребление: Если действие началось в прошлом, длилось, продолжается до сих пор или же закончилось только что, то можно смело использовать презент перфект континиус.
Событие началось, длилось и закончилось до момента разговора, но влияет на него. В этом случае не всегда используется указатель времени.
Present perfect simple: Формообразование Has\Have + глагол. <span>Для правильных глаголов нам необходимо к основе приплюсовать –ed, а для неправильных –
смотрите таблицу неправильных глаголов.
</span> Мы употребляем его<span>· В предложениях без обстоятельств времени.
</span><span>В прежложениях с наречиями или обстоятельственными фразами неопределенного времени или повторности.
</span><span> В придаточных времени и условия после if,when,till,until,unless,as soon as,after,before.В этом случае The Present Perfect обозначает действие, которое закончится к определенному моменту в будущем.
</span> <span>Для демонстрации действия ,которое началось в прошлом ,длилось до определенного момента в настоящем и все еще продолжается.</span>
My summer
this summer I spent with great pleasure! I was in the "Rainbow" camp. and there we were preparing for studies, managing. and there I met two girls, they are very friendly and I am very glad that I met them. then I came home, I helped my mother and father at home. was engaged in study. This summer was unforgettable! I spent this summer very well!
She was beautiful
She had long curly hair and big, smart eyes
He was low and fat and very funny
He's son was very handsome
He was high and slim
He had big nose
Hobby is what a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are lucky because your life becomes more interesting. The most popular hobby is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities from gardening to traveling, from chess to volleyball. Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This hobby is becoming more and more popular. Making things include drawing, painting, handicrafts. Many people collect something - coins, stamps, compact discs, toys, books. Some collections have some value. Rich people often collect paintings, rare things and other art objects. Often such private collections are given to museums, libraries.
As for me, I like to listen to music. 3 months ago my parents bought me a compact disc player and I decided to collect compact discs. I like different music, it should be good. I collect discs of my favourite groups and singers. I carefully study the information printed on discbooklets. I try to find everything about my favourite singers. Also I like to watch music programmes on TV. I want to keep up with the news in the world of music.
Of course, I like to spend my spare time with my friends. We talk about all sorts of things ( politics, teachers, girls). We discuss films, books, TV programmes. In fine weather we like to be in the open air. We find a nice place somewhere in the forest. We make a fire, bake potatoes and have a lot of fun. When the weather is bad, my friends come to my place. We have a good time together.
Can skip it and sit.
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