1) an expensive white satin <span><span>wedding </span>dress
2) a brilliant</span><span> new French</span><span><span> detective </span>film
3) a </span><span>fascinating ancient</span><span><span> Greek </span>monument
4) a pair of old </span><span><span>black </span>leather walking shoes
5) a</span><span><span> enormous</span></span><span><span>brown </span>German beef sausage
6) a </span><span>lovely </span>red and white <span><span>Turkish </span>marble chess set
It <u>WAS (1)</u> friday afternoon. Mike and his friend Peter <u>WANTED (2)</u> to go to the cinema. They <u>DECIDED (3)</u> to see the new action film BLOOD DIAMOND with Leonardo DiCaprio. Peter <u>SAID (4)</u> that he was going to check the newspapers in order to see at what time the film is on schedule at their local cinema.
Peter <u>CALLED (5)</u> Mike and <u>TOLD (6)</u> him that the film starts at 7 p.m. Mike's dad <u>DROVE (7)</u> them to the cinema in his new car. The boys <u>ARRIVED (8)</u> at the cinema at 6:30 p.m. Mike <u>BOUGHT (9)</u> the tickets for the front row. They <u>WANTED (10)</u> to be as close to the action as possible. Peter <u>BOUGHT (11)</u> some pop-corn and M&M's. They <u>WENT (12)</u> to their seats in the front row.
They <u>WERE (13)</u> excited. They <u>COULDN'T (14)</u> wait for the film to start. After the usual commercial messages, the film finally <u>STARTED (15)</u>. As the music <u>STARTED (16)</u><em></em>loud and the screen <u>WAS (17)</u> dark for a few seconds, Peter's and Mike's eyes <u>WERE (18)</u> glued to the screen as the film title appeared: HAPPY FEET.
Mike and Peter were silent. The even <u>STOPPED (19)</u> breathing for a few seconds. They <u>WAITED (20)</u> for the title to change from HAPPY FEET to BLOOD DIAMOND. But the title <u>DIDN'T CHANGE (21)</u>. All of a sudden the screen <u>WAS (22)</u> full of animated penguins. The two of them <u>FELT (24)</u> to laugh out loud. They almost <u>FELL (25)</u> off their seats from laughter.
They <u>LOOKED (26)</u> at each other and <u>DECIDED (27)</u> to stay and see the film till the end. Instead of beind in the middle of an action film, they were in the middle of the North Pole.
They <u>WERE (28)</u> very happy after this film. Their parents <u>LAUGHED (29)</u> too when they <u>TOLD (30)</u> them what <u>HAPPENED (31)</u>.
"Next time I'll check the newspapers," said Mike when they <u>GOT (32)</u> home.
They are
His wife`s name is
It is
I will be
will be
Ответ: Свинья большая
Pig - Свинья
Large - Большой, большая, большое.
<span>1. They were in Paris last month.
2. We did not have the test two days ago.
3.When did you get up yesterday?
4. Was Frank at home at 9?
5. She wrote a letter to her friend on Wednesday.
6.What time did you finish your work?
7. Mary did not call me at 7.
8. Tom liked the film he had seen.
9. You heard the news yesterday.
10. Some minutes ago my watch stopped
11. When she left the room, her baby was crying.</span>