<span>a) "How can I get rid of these mice?" - the King - король сказал: Как мне избавиться от этих мышей?
b) "We know how to get rid of them.That'said easy." - the wise men - мудрецы сказали: Мы знаем, как избавиться от них. Это легко.</span>
23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 и так до 99
nikita's like travelling, cause he is like see beautiful place.
whe he is 12. in the Prague.
In the summer camp. He spending time very funny.
He don't like a waste.
S<span>witzerland </span>
Mary is going...
Bill is sitting near ...
The children are playing...
We are having a nice...
I'm riding...
I am a pet.
I am soft and furry.
I like to sleep and drink milk.
I don’t like mice and dogs.
I say “Meow, meow”.
I am ….(CAT)
Я животное домашнее.
Я мягкая и пушистая.
Я люблю спать и пить молоко.
Мне не нравятся мыши и собаки.
Я говорю: “Мяу-мяу”.