There is different shops in the world:bakers,florists,butchers,footwear,jewerly and so on
Different people do shopping in different ways.You can do shopping in small corner shops or in big supermarkets.Usually your choise depends on what you need to buy.If you want to buy bread,milk you go to the nearest corner shop,but if your fridge is empty you would better go to supermarket.
As about me,I think that shopping is an integral part of our life,because today it has become not only a necessity,but also a pleasure for many people
Возможны ошибки
В отделе кадров:- Ну, а есть ли у вас какое-нибудь хобби?Соискатель, доставая из кармана чучело хомяка:- Таксидермия!Хомяк, не разжимая челюсти:- И чревовещание!
The personnel department:- Well, do you have any hobbies?The applicant, pulling from his pocket a stuffed hamster:- Taxidermy!Hamster, clenched jaw:- And ventriloquism!
- У тебя есть хобби?- Да. Я - зеленый нумизмат!- ?!- Коллекционирую американские баксы.
- Do you have a hobby?- Yes. I - Green numismatist!-?!- I collect USA dollars.
Jump так будет слово прыгать и прыгай на английском
Food:hamburgers,hotdogs,fried potatoes,salads,pizza,pasta,noodle,apples,oranges.
Drink:cola,tea,coffee,cacao,juice,Fanta ,sprite,milk,yogurt