I like rainy days. This days aren't boring, there's something magical about it. They will be good for reading books or watching romantic movies with a cup of hot tea. I usually spend this days by watching my favorite tv-shows or reading "Alice in Wonderland". I think this book is perfect for rainy days. Another beautiful thing is how fresh everything looks after rain, especially in summer. Everything becomes brighter and greener. This days are special. But a<span>nyway "after rain comes fair weather"***.
Мені подобаються дощові дні. Ці дні не нудні, в цьому є щось магічне. Вони чудово підходять, щоб читати книжки або дивитись романтичні фільми з чашкою гарячого чаю. Зазвичай, я проводжу ці дні переглядаючи свої улюблені тв-шоу або читаючи "Алісу в Країні чудес". Я думаю ця книжка ідеальна для дощових днів. Інша чудова річ, це те яким свіжим все виглядає після дощу, особливо влітку. Все стає яскравіше та зеленіше. Ці дні особливі. Але так чи інакше, і в наше віконце загляне сонце.
***</span>after rain comes fair weather - англійське прислів'я, дослівно можна перекласти як "після дощу приходить хороша погода"/"после ненастья настпупает хорошая погода"/"заглянет солнце и в наше оконце"
<span>1. I hate(her) to use these words
2. I don't like(them) to do it.
3. I want(you) to come back
4. She wanted(them) to read that book
5. I wish(you) to be happy.
6. I want(you) to be remembered.
7. I should like(us) to be invited to the conference.
8. We know(him) to be a good artist
9. l expect(him) to ask that question
10. They declared(him) to be the winner
1. We can... (speak) Spanish
2. He often makes me(feel) guilty
3. You have... (to be) friendly and polite.
4. She must...(stay)
5. The lawyer will... (call) you later
6. I'd like... (to send) him a present
7. You'd better... (move) faster
8. We heard somebody(enter) the apartment
9. Mother wants... (to paint) the walls in the kitchen
10. We decided( to sell) the car
11. He always fails... ( to keep )his word
12. I am trying( to lift) this heavy stone.
13 Let me... (give) you some advice.
14 It may... (cost) too much.
15. She saw him... (cross) the street.
16. Make him... speak louder.
17. Help me (to) carry this bag
18. My son asked me to let him go to the theatre.
19. I must go to the country.
20. It cannot be done to-day
1) People so often speak about ecology these day because this science is very important.
2) Ecology is an important science because it deals with world-wide problems for humanity and it is a science about our environment.
3) People first started speaking about ecology in the 20th century.
4) It uses the information of zoology, biology, chemistry, geography and some other sciences.
5) There are a lot of problems and the most important are different kinds of pollution ( air, water, land ), global warming, destruction of ozon layer and many other problems.
6) It has a great impact on every living thing, for example when we pollute water in rivers and lakes fish die and many animals have lack of food if they use fish as their food.
7) Human ecology studies the problems with nature which are connected with people.
8) My natural evironment isn't healthy. I live in a big city and it is very dirty because of cars and buses fumes. The air is bad and the soil is also polluted.
Куда он ходил в воскр
Она не смотрела телевизор прошлой ночью
Мы играли в баскетбол в прошлую неделю
Мама вчера сделала пирог
Она убирала свою комнату прошлым вечером
Она видела двух белых тигров в зоопарке
Билл купил пару джинс два дня назад