I began to study English in the second form and by now I have been learning this language for 9 years.I like English; I think any foreign language helps to understand your own language. The English language is one of the most important languages in the modern world; more than one billion people can speak or understand this language. This language is the official language in such countries as the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the South-African Republic, India and many African countries.English is one of the five official languages of the United Nations Organization. English is the language of the great English literature. It is the language of Shakespeare, Byron and Charles Dickens. From the early childhood we enjoy the books by English writers — who does not know Winnie-the Pooh, Sherlock Holmes or Robinson Crusoe!<span>But the English language is also the language of science — most of scientific magazines in the world are published in English. It is impossible to be a good scientist without knowing this language. That is why I pay much attention to English and I hope that in the the future I shall know this language well.</span>
Христофор Колумб
Христофор Колумб (1451 – 1506) – испанский мореплаватель, открывший Америку и близлежащие острова. Первый из путешественников, который пересек Атлантический океан.
Последние годы
Во время последнего путешествия Колумб тяжело заболел. По возвращению в Испанию ему не удалось восстановить дарованные ему привилегии и права. Умер Христофор Колумб 20 мая 1506 года в Севилье в Испании. Мореплаватель был сначала похоронен в Севилье, однако в 1540 году, по приказу императора Карла V останки Колумба были перевезены на остров Эспаньола (Гаити), а в 1899 году снова в Севилью.
Вот держи✌
<span>1. - e
2. - c
3. - d
4. - b
5. - a</span>
The water cycle SHOWS how water moves and changes on the Earth.
It is a cycle because it doesn't HAVE a beginning or an end.It is important because it GIVES us water to drink, it also WATERS plants for our food.
The warm air GOES up and becomes cold.Then it comes down-it rains. Then little wet drops CHANGE into millions of drops of water,they BECOME(ARE) so heavy that the clouds cannot hold them. So they FALL down on the ground.This is rain.When it is very cold these drops MAKE little crystals of ice and fall down on the ground.This is snow.When and why DOES the wind BLOW? When the air becomes warm,it goes up in the air,and the cold air COMES down.So the air MOVES and the wind BLOWS.Sometimes the wind blows and all the trees SHAKE.
P.S.После "become" я поставила в скобках "are",так как его некуда девать.Какого-то предложения здесь не хватает.Здесь его тоже можно поставить.