My transformer can walk, run, and utters sounds prygat.On piiip pip pip. ??!. And he's so cute that I can play with him all day on prolet.Mne bought it six years old and I play with him every day.-<span>Мой трансформер может ходить, бегать, и прыгать.Он произносит звуки пииип пип пип.??!. И он такой милый что я могу играть с ним все сутки на пролет.Мне его купилив 6 лет и я с ним играю каждый день. если что то перевел не так прости но ты можешь добавит предложение или предложение или перевести правильно
Never judge a book by its cover - никогда не суди книгу по обложке.
Reasons against
1) nowadays book covers can say a lot about book topic or a plot. It has pictures that can give you an idea about it.
2) nowadays it's popular to put book reviews on a book cover. So you can see opinions of other people about the book.
3) If the book has remarkable cover it may mean the book is interesting itself.
4) on a book you can find a name of an author. If the author is famous or you already read some of his books you can will his new book be good or bad.
1) by 2)in 3) under 4) by 5)on 6)in 7) at 8) in 9)in 10)with at
11)to 12)to 13)on