<span>Катя, не могла бы бы рассказать мне о каникулах в русской школе?
у нас каникулы 4 раза каждый год. Наши каникулы продолжаются одну неделю осенью, две недели в зимний период и одну неделю весной. И
есть летние каникулы, конечно!
И когда самые долгие каникулы?
Самый длинный отдых в летнее время. Они длятся три месяца! Июнь, июль и август. Это мои любимые месяцы!
Вот здорово! Лето - мое любимое время года!</span>
1. Young people tend to unite in groups or organisations because they enjoy being together.
<span>2. Wearing the same clothes or uniforms, listening to the same music and sharing the same ideas makes membership of such youth organisations or cultures more attractive, gives young people a sense of belonging. 3. Young people are very impressionable and it is not so difficult for adults to use their enthusiasm to their own ends. History knows a lot of such examples. </span>
<span>4. Young people should be very careful about their choice of organisations as it is a great responsibility. </span>
<span>5. Political organisations for young people should not exist at all because children are not experienced enough to foresee the results of their activities. </span>
<span>6. There are very few youth organisations in Ukraine at the moment and they are mostly adult-led political organisations. </span>
<span>7. Youth cultures or cults usually annoy adults and they have a good reason for that. </span>
<span>8. Some youth cultures can be dangerous for their participants. </span>
<span>b) Give your point of view on youth organisations, movements or cults.</span>
Hello! How are you? I want to tell you about school lunches. I love school meals. On Mondays and Thursdays we have sandwiches with salmon and cheese and an apple. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays we have patties and tea. In general, the food is tasty. But some do not like this food because they think that it is not useful. Goodbye! Write to me often!
1) They have got 2 children.
2) She haven't got a key.
3) He has got a new job.
4) They haven't got much money.
5) Have you got an umbrella?
6) We've got a lot of work to do.
7) I haven't got your phone number.
8) Have your father got a car?
9) How much money have we got?
1-correct 2-weren't you 3-correct 4-doesn't he 5-do you? 6-correct 7-do you 8-correct