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A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
A cousin is a child of an uncle or aunt.
A widower is a man whose wife is dead.
An orphan is a child who has lost one or both of its parents.
A mother-in-law is one’s wife’s or husband‘s mother.
A father-in-law is one’s wife’s or husband’s father.
A daughter-in-law is one’s son’s wife.
A son-in-law is one’s daughter’s husband.
A brother-in-law is one’s husband’s or wife’s brother or one’s sister‘s husband.
A sister-in-law is one’s husband’s or wife’s sister or one’s brother’s wife.
A grandmother is one’s father's or mother‘s mother.
A grandfather is one‘s father’s or mother’s father.
A granddaughter is one’s daughter’s or son’s daughter.
A grandson is one’s daughter’s or son’s son.
A stepmother is one’s father’s second wife.
An aunt is one’s mother’s or father‘s sister.
An uncle is one’s father’s or mother’s brother.
A nephew is one’s brother’s or sister‘s son.
A niece is one‘s brother’s or sister’s daughter.
A stepfather is one’s mother’s second husband.
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1) Vet: What`s the matter?
2) Vet: Whats Wrong with him?
3) Vet: Really? How?
4) Vet: OK. Let`s have look at him.