We need libraries for reading books and preparing our homework. I use our school library, becouse I can find many interesting information about our world. I prefer Internet resources. Becouse, Internet resources are integral part of our life. And I can find information faster then in library.
Alice was born in march
Kate was born in april
Dolly was born in august
John was born un febraury
Rob was born in september
Дальше не видно
А. Запомните текст и скажите:
1) сколько стран расположено на самом большом острове мира;
2) какая часть Австралии пустынная;
3) как называется самый большой город в Австралии;
4) который является старейшим городом страны;
5) какой город является столицей страны;
6) какая часть страны практически пуста;
7) где люди, которые живут в Австралии любят проводить зимние каникулы;
8) в какой части страны проживает большинство людей.
1.We often go to the beach. We also go to the mountains.
2. I've got a sister. I've also got a brother.
3. They eat healthy food. They also play sport.
4.There's a market here. There's also supermarket here.
5. Tourists can eat here. They also can drink Guinness!