I usually get up at seven o'clock. I wash my face, clean my teeth. Then I have a breakfast, I prefer to eat porridge with cheese sandwich and drink coffee with milk. I put on my clothes and go to school on foot. I study hard, because I want to be the best pupil in my class and to make my parents being proud of me. After school I do my homework and some work about the house. I frequently go for a walk with my friends and there we have fun. The last thing I do in the evening is reading, and then I go to bed.
1)Let me introduce
2)I want you to meet...
3)This is...
При обращении: miss, misses, Mr, excuse me И Т.д
Смотрите ответ во вложении
3. necklace (ожерелье)
5. ?
8. belt (пояс)
1. knife (нож)
2. ?
4. band (резинка для волос/повязка на голову)
6. ropes ? (верёвки)
7. sheep (овечка)