In the UK is besides other lands england, scotland, irladniya, some type Malvinas Islands
England is only part of the British Isles
England is a country, United Kingdom - a kingdom.
Britain = England + Scotland + Wales ..
<span>In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - England one of the areas</span>
1. Would you like to visit the Eiffel Tower or the Acropolis? 2. Is Vienna in the United Kingdom or in Austria? 3. Jacksons live on the Hill Street 4. British keep their traditions very carefully. 5. Egypt is famous for Pyramids.
2 What do your friends think about your music?
3 Who writes your songs?
4 What was the first song you wrote?
5 Who did you listen to when you were at school?
6 What did you buy with the money from your first album?
7 What makes you special?
Сьогодні вранці ми ходили в зоопарк. Там було багато людей, але саиа найгарніша тварина була мавпа. Мавпа була рудого кольору, вона була дуже кумедна. Коли я підійшла і дав їй банан вона підійшла і взяла його, і розламала його на дві частини. Першу вона зїла, а другу залишила на обід. Мені було дуже весело коли неї знаходитись.