Modern -old, small - big, interesting -boring, nice-ugly, horrible - beautiful,
friendly -unfriendly, dirty -clean, quite -noisy
1. <span>B. very easy
2. </span>she cannot cook
3. <span>the book has information worth considering
4. </span><span>I will not tell the secret
5. </span><span>you are </span>reckless
Table- стол, неодушевлённый, значит it, а с it употребляется форма глагола to be- is! Поэтому и theare is.
Во втором boy and a girl,- мальчик и девочка, заменяем местоимением, как и в первом, получается они- they, то есть 3 лицо множественного числа, поэтому употребляется форма глагола to be- are!
На будущее если местоимение I-am
He- is
she- is
it -is, во всех остальных случаях are
1. Mr. Blake said that the weather was too cold in Moscow in February.
2. Mr. Bell said that the prices were too high and they couldn't accept them.
3. Betsy said I had been 10 minutes late for the lessons the day before.
4. The director said they had to clarify the matter as soon as possible.
5. Mr. Voronin said they required the compressors in July.
6. The passenger said he hadn't collected his luggage yet.
7. Mr. Lavrov said he was leaving for Moscow the following week.
They're school books.
I'm thirteen.
You're in the class six.
She is Anna.
They're brothers.
It's a birthday present.
He's Tom.