One evening, they asked their friend Captain Brown to tell them something interesting about his travels, and he told them the following story: “That was fifteen years ago when he was a ship mate heading for New York. They had a very good trip. One morning the captain came up to him and said: "Last night I heard such a strange thing that I don't know what to do with it. I couldn't sleep, and I heard a voice in my ear: "The sail is in the north-northwest. A sail from north to northwest. "We have to go in this direction and find out, "I'm sorry, Captain," he said, "but I think you had too much to eat last night, so you couldn't "I didn't sleep". The captain was very angry. I didn't eat much last night," he said, "and I heard a strange voice three times, sir. The captain told people to sail northwest. One The next day the men saw something black in the sea. The captain looked through his glasses and told me, "There's a boat with a man sitting in it. I was right last night, wasn't I? We have to save him. Soon they came to the little boat and saw that the man was sleeping well in it. He kept sleeping when they took him to their boat and sailed to the ship. When the man was aboard the ship, he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted loudly: "Where am I? Where is my boat? "Hello!" said the captain. "I'm very glad they could save you. "Did you order your men to get me out of the boat while I was sleeping? - A man asked. - Of course," the happy captain answered. "Did you want to sink in your little boat? Look here," said the man, "my name is Captain Will's son, and I'm making a record trip from New York to Liverpool on a small boat ..."
надеюсь, я не ошиблась!!!
1-Have you
2- i have
3-do i have
4-do you have to
5-do i have to
8-you don't
9-Do i have to
Oranges come from southern countries)))
Очень большая вероятность , что завтра будет дождь. Вероятно, завтра будет дождь. Возможно, что подводный парк привлечет 750 000 посетителей в год. (может) Возможно, сегодня вечером мы отправимся на сноркелинг. (возможно) Вероятно, кораллы скоро вырастут на скульптурах в подводном парке. (возможно) Возможно, мы сегодня поплывем в парк. (возможно). Мы уверены, что в следующие выходные мы отправимся в Канкун .
Красный, как "красивый", потому и пре<em>красный</em> и <em>Красная</em> площадь