1.Her pants were wrinkled and she had iron them.
2.My aunts had not seen for a year. when they <span>came to us and saw each other, they tenderly embraced.
3.</span>The sea was rough and the ship began to sink.
4 .Her voice trembled with excitement.
5 .When will our homecoming ?
6.I heard the tinkle of dishes in the kitchen .
7.Came away fishing boat .
8.Leg was seriously ill , but he stood up with a groan andwent to the house .
9.The crew moved rattling on rough roads.
10.Poslednie summer holidayshave been a real nightmare .
11.Pogodite minute youconfuses me .
12.My arrived at theirdestination after midnight .
13.Starik hugged me thinwrinkled hands.
14.Orator mumbled and grumbled andnothing could stop the flow of words .
15. Strong wind was blowing , and baretree branches knocked on the window.
16. " Open " - ordereda gruff voice behind the door.
17.Kakaya tangled story!<span>I can not understand .</span>
My favorite animal is pigeon
It lives everywhere, in each country in the World
It has got beautiful feather and voice
It can fly, it can eat, nothing unnecesarry
It likes to eat everything you can give, not important for it
Its nice friend))
В пределах Исполнительной власти есть многие исполнительные отделы. В настоящее время это - отделы госдепартамента, Казначейства, Защиты, Правосудия, Интерьера, Сельское хозяйства, Торговли, лейбористская партия, Здоровье и Человеческие ресурсы, Жилье и Городское Развитие, Транспортировка, Энергия, и Образование. Каждый отдел установлен согласно закону, и, как их названия указывают, каждый ответственен за определенную область. Глава каждого отдела назначен президентом. Эти назначения, однако, должны быть одобрены Сенатом. Ни один из этих Секретарей, поскольку глав отдела обычно называют, не может также служить на Конгрессе или на другой части правительства. Каждый непосредственно ответственен президенту и только служит, пока президент хочет. Они могут быть замечены, как Президентские помощники и советники. Когда они встречаются вместе, их называют "Президентским Кабинетом." последнее предложение не знаю
1.When a Mikhail Gorbachev became General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union?
2.How many and what politicians introduced Mikhail Gorbachev?
3.What was his goal?
4.What President met Gorbachev?
5.Which countries have got much more autonomy.
6.Why people were trying to leave countries such as Germany and the West.
7.In which countries have radical political changes occurred?
8.What was called the war?
9.The charter of which the city was divided for a new Europe?
10.When the war has come to an end?
1-I am wearing a clean clothes
2-I take bath evry night
3-I clean teeh evry morning
4-I don't touch all
5-I clean my hands when i come in my house
6-I don't like mud
7-I clean up after themselfes
8-I don't like when i don't clean
9-I'll clean all my life
10-I lide a pure life