A. Much. B. Many/a lot of. C. Much. D. Much. E. Many. F. A lot.
All time of the next week I will study grammar of the Russian language. It will be difficult, but it doesn't fear me, and i believe that in future i'll be better and cease to ask help from ''keys'' (Пиши именно так, и ничегшо не меняй!!!)
My homeland is a beautiful country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. This is - a great country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature. A broad expanse of Kazakh lands. When the north more snow at the foot of the mountains in the south are already blooming fruit trees. "Birch calico" North, mighty pine Borovoy, golden fields of virgin territory, gray feather grass of the Great Steppe, high mountains Alatau and Tien Shan - all my Kazakhstan. These pictures I hit her unprecedented beauty. I never cease to admire them.
I don't like cakes.
He doesn't like cakes.
Ok ?
1) in
она наконец-то преуспела в желании осуществить свои мечты.
2) from
он окончил университет в том году.
3) into
они проводят исследования в биологии.
4) in
если ты схитришь на экзамене, ты будешь удален.
5) to
я хочу стать стоматологом.