My dog Boggy instead of barking grunts)
Somehow time we went for a walk with it, and near shop there was a woman with a bag and in a bag sausage lay. Boggy guessed it ran up to the woman and started grunting. The woman so was frightened that with fear for screamed move away from me this wild pig!!!
Мой пёс Боги вместо гавканья хрюкает)Как-то раз мы пошли с ним гулять , и около магазина стояла женщина с сумкой а в сумке лежала колбаса. Боги учуял её подбежал к женщине и начал хрюкать. Женщина так испугалась , что от страха за кричала уберите от меня эту дикую Синью!!!
The child was drawing a funny picture
The child has drawn -//-
Was child drawing funny picture?
Had child drawn a funny picture?
1. Height: of medium height, tall.
Build: slim, muscular, overweight, plump, well-built.
Face: freckled, wrinkled, ugly, attractive.
Eyes: brown, almond-shaped, slanting, green.
Nose: upturned, crooked.
Hair: straight, dark, brown, blond, long, curly, wavy.
Clothes: Elegant, fashionable, casual.
3. He is such a dishonest person: his actions are selfish. My sister is silly and naive, no wonder, she is 12. My mum is a sociable person. She always gives helpful advices. My classmate is a serious person. His decisions are always sensible.
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