Я люблю зиму,так как зимой все белым бело
Я люблю зиму,потому что можно покататься на коньках
Я люблю зиму,потому что можно поиграть в снежки
Я люблю зиму потому что можно с друг другом беситься
Я люблю зиму потому что можно строить снеговиков
Я люблю зиму потому что классно
Mardi Gras - an ancient Russian folk festival , was transformed into a moment of pre-Christian times , remaining after the Baptism of Russia . Mardi Gras has been accepted by the church as their own religious holiday and renamed Cheese week. However, the essence of the carnival it has not changed . Mardi Gras falls on the week , the upcoming Lent . For this reason, at this time people were resting in front of a heavy and long Lent. Mardi Gras is always celebrated with a very abundant feast . During the celebration of the carnival was made to eat a lot. Some believed the people that whoever Carnival meet in sadness , boredom and spend the whole year until the next winter wires . Shrovetide uncontrollable eating all sorts of dishes and fun is a harbinger of prosperity and success in the home and business endeavors. Pancakes required "satellite" Carnival , symbolized the sun. Time passes, life , with the Baptism of Russia , new holidays, but continued to celebrate carnival . Shrove Tuesday met with the same irrepressible joy that in the Old Slavic century.
Mardi Gras - it's not a day of celebration. This weekly ritual feast with driving round dances , dances , songs and merrymaking . An important element is the burning rag stuffed Winter.<span>Farewell to the Carnival ended with the first day of the Orthodox Great Lent " Clean Monday , " is considered the day of circumcision . Clean Monday necessarily all residents washed in the bath , washed the dishes and cleaned utensils .
В британском музее есть удивительные египетские мумии. Но если вы хотите увидеть динозавров, то надо идти в музей натуральной истории. Здесь находиться большая галерея динозавров
1.Paul was washing
2.I usually drink
3.His dog didn't eat
4.Fred and George were reading
5.Laura was walking
6.Helen and I didn't speak
7.William didn't fly
8.Ben's cat was like
9.We always had
10.Jessica didn't
Present Simple это действия которые делаются каждый день. Например: Я умываюсь каждый день и тд
Present Continious это действие которое выполняется прям сейчас или в этот миг, момент. Например: Я сейчас читаю книгу.