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1) They didn't have the picnic on the beach.
Where did they have the picnic?
2) I didn't buy a newspaper at the newsagent's.
What did I buy at the newsagent's?
3) My friend didn't decide to be a doctor.
Why my friend decided to be a doctor?
4) Jane didn't meet Nicky in town today.
Who met Nicky in town today?
1) I didn't buy... when I was...
2) Julia has not met... but I <span>am going
</span>3) Where have you put the...
4) I have already read it.
Читайте текст и заполняйте пробелы, Преобразуя прописные слова образования в домашних условиях
Summer is a beautiful season with the long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is mostly fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. А great variety of brightly colored odorous summer flowers all around feasts our eyes.
Summer is the time when cherries and apricots are getting ripe. Also we can pick up strawberries, blackberries and many fruits and vegetables. In summer the air is filled with the ringing voices of birds and the buzz of insects.
AUTUMN (Осень)
There are four seasons in a year and all of them are beautiful in their own way. However, my favourite season is autumn. First of all my birthday is in October. Second reason is connected with the school. Each year on the 1st of September the school starts and I get to see my beloved classmates and friends. Other than that, our school holds a beauty contest each autumn. I sometimes participate in this event and once I even won the first prize. It was an e-book from one of our school sponsors. However, the main reason why I love autumn that much is in the beauty of nature and its abundance of colours. I really love late autumn weather
In winter I can have a very good time. I can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! In winter it snows much. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderfull in winter! Snow sparkles in the sun. Frost paints on the windows and there are many icicles hanging from the roofs.
I think winter is a beautiful season!
P.S. Если я переборщила с предложениями, можешь убрать некоторые.
<span>Суббота - мой лучший день. Она начинается в 9 часов с плотного завтрака. Потом я надеваю специальную одежду, и мы с моей лучшей подругой Кристиной </span><span><span>отправляемся</span> в скаутский клуб. Там мы встречаемся с командиром скаутов и с остальными членами команды и идем в поход. Спустя некоторое время, мы приходим в лес и ставим палатки. После этого командир обучает нас новым делам, например, как вязать узлы и разводить костёр. Во второй половине дня мы играем в футбол или заняться скалолазанием. В 6 часов мы готовим ужин на костре. После обеда мы идем в палатки. Перед сном мы рассказываем разные истории. Я очень люблю субботы<span>. </span></span>