<span>There are many places I would like to visit. Each place represents something interesting, fascinating and unforgettable. Personally, I would like to go to Paris to visit the Louvre, as well as in Washington - look at the skyscraper. So many places I would like to visit. You can catch it and try to visit different places of the world. Not everyone is able to realize his dream, but I hope that someday I will be able to travel.</span>
1 с, 2 b,3 c,4a 5,a,6 b,7b,8c 9b,10 a
Elephant. A very large animal. Can survive in drought, but not for very long. Eats leaves, and drinks the water at the watering places. Elephants have a huge weight of 9 tons. Babies up to 1 tons. Their weight they can crush just about anybody.
Перевод: Слон. Очень крупное животное. Может выжить в засуху, но не очень долго. Ест листья, а пьет воду на водоподных местах. Слоны имеют огромный Вес 9 тонн. Младенцы до 1 тонны. Своим весом они могут раздавить <span>кого угодно.
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