Rabbits - burrowing animals, which means they live in burrows, which pull themselves. Dig it pretty deep. Up to half a meter in depth there. You can cook a rabbit tunnel of cardboard, plugged at one end with cotton or hay. Rabbit will gnaw, and there, and dig. You can also purchase a special cloth on the frame tunnel - the rabbit will run through it here and there, and if one end of the wall up the old towel, it will be more interesting.
1. Потому что у него степень доктора, имеется в виду, что доктор у телефона.
2 и 3. Здесь принадлежность к семье Смитов, ключевое слово семья. То есть, он Смит (из Смитов); Смиты (семья) придёт на ужин...
4. Скорее всего это имя нарицательное (типа Doctor Who, Джокер, Бэтмэн), или имя какого-то героя.
Hello Cindy!
I hope you're doing well. I'm sorry for not calling you for a while. Recently, I have been really busy. Soon school will start, and I need to find some presents for my friends that I haven't seen all summer. You always seem to find the best presents and souvenirs for me and our friends. To be honest, I've been trying to find out how you do it! But in any case, today I'm asking you for help. What places do you usually go to do shopping? Please recommend me some malls or shops. Also, please give me the names of the stores where you can buy souvenirs, thank you!
Love, Anastasia.
1)What a beauty on the street,2) Good luck,3) the interest in the car,4) Do you know the history of Egypt?, 5)there is a danger, 6)It's a peaceful nation,7) You should change the appearance,8)can create a robot<span>?