Unicorn, unicorn [1] is a mythical creature that symbolizes virtue. Usually a unicorn is represented as a horse with a horn. According to esoteric teachings, he has a white body, a red head and blue eyes.
The first unicorn images are found around the 4th century. BC. on the seals of the ancient cities of the Indus Valley. Occurs in Atharvaveda and Mahabharata. The Greek and Roman traditions regarded the unicorn as a real animal, its appearance associated with Africa or India.
It is found in the traditions of many peoples. According to Carl Jung, “The unicorn is not a single entity, it is a fairy-tale creature with many variations: for example, there are unicorn horses, donkeys, fish, dragons, scarabs and more. Strictly speaking, we are dealing with the one-horn (alicorn) theme »
In the East, the unicorn was depicted as a goat, later in the West - a deer, a horse. At first, the unicorn was considered to be a male, and later - a female.
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1)What ARE you GOING to do...
I AM GOING to ....
2)IS Andy GOING to...
Yes he IS.He IS GOING to bring....
3)Where ARE you GOING to spend....
We ARE GOING to visit...
4)ARE Harry and Emma GOING to have....
Yes they ARE...
5)IS Ashley GOING to act....
No she IS NOT.
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I would like to visit Packingham Palace, Westminster Abbey. but first of all i wanna visit place near Big Ben because its so cool. i want to see this bell which is called Big Ben.