The plane is faster than train
Entertainment<span> is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience.</span>
Всё это время Present Continuous , т.к. Есть подсказка now(сейчас). Действие происходит в данный момент времени.
I+(am) +глагол(ing)
We, they+(are) +глагол(ing)
He, she, it+(is) +глагол(ing)
Mam is reading book now.
My brother is swimming now.
I'm not sleeping now.
We are playing football now.
They are not singing now.
it is now raining hard
that morning I flew to London
she water the flowers for an hour
only wrote test
while dad is repairing the car and mom is cooking dinner
the waiter entered the dark room
I waited for the plane for two hours when the delay was announced
tomorrow we go to the zoo
A) Walking late on Sunday, when the Moon is full, means bad luck at the test next Monday.
b) Seeing magpies or any other birds on Friday the 13th at the lesson of Mathematics, means bad luck for two weeks and problems with the teacher of Maths.
c) Eating five ice creams at once, early in the morning on the last day of the month, means a forthcoming visit of a doctor.
d) Breaking a mirror in the school corridor on the first Tuesday of the month means an unfriendly telephone call from your teacher to your parents. Всё. Удачи!)