Health care system in the United States occupies a leading place in the world on the scale of concentrated there resources. The number of people employed in the industry - more than 10 million people. The medical expenses of the USA takes the first place in the world - both in absolute terms (to 2.26 trillion dollars, or 7439 dollars for one person)and in percentage of GDP (16 %). Moreover, according to forecasts, by 2015, spending will increase to $ 4 trillion, or $ 12,000 per capita.
Public health in Russia is a set of measures of political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, medical, sanitary-hygienic and antiepidemic measures for the preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of each person, maintaining its long active life, providing him with medical assistance in case of loss of health.
Number of hospitals at the end of 2010 was about 6.3 thousand, hospital beds - 1339,5 thousand 93.7 per 10 000 population). The share of private clinics in Russia does not exceed 5-10 % of their total number. In Russia 707 thousand physicians of various specialties (end of 2007).
прости, но на Великобританию не хватает места и символов в ответе
Вот на англиийском <span>We will go to fairy land in. I think, it will be really interesting, because i haven't ever been there, it will be my first time. We will live in the magic house, that always appears and disappears, so, I hope, when we come, it will appear. There will be a bedroom in our house. We will have TV, and of course a magic box in our room. We will play in the "flying", it's one of the most popular game there. Let's go to fairy land together!
1) canteen
3) consists
4)run out of
6)shaped .......... look like
The thief entered the house of a Sufi, but found nothing there. When he left, the dervish noticed his disappointment and threw after him a blanket, which was hiding, so he didn't leave empty-handed.
Theft from the point of view of psychological foundations — a complex phenomenon. Always stealing and probably will steal a very long time, unless, of course, someday, humanity will not penetrate into the mysteries of the human psyche and can not once and for all block areas of the brain responsible for instinctive behavior. But it's more of science fiction than the scientific sphere. Not understanding the psychological mechanisms of theft, it is impossible to effectively deal with it.
Вор проник в дом суфия, но ничего там не нашел. Когда он уходил, дервиш заметил его разочарование и бросил ему вслед одеяло, которым укрывался, чтобы тот не ушел с пустыми руками.
Воровство с точки зрения психологических основ — явление комплексное. Воровали всегда и, наверное, будут воровать еще очень долго, если, конечно, когда-нибудь человечество не проникнет в тайны человеческой психики и не сможет раз и навсегда заблокировать участки головного мозга, ответственные за инстинктивное поведение. Но это уже больше из области фантастики, чем из научной сферы. Не поняв психологических механизмов воровства, нельзя эффективно бороться с ним
<span>1) He never goes by car, he always goes on foot.
2) When we lived at the seaside last year we stayed in the hotel.
3) He is waiting for me at the bus stop.
4) We decided to meet at the railway station.
5) Have you bought a ticket to Moscow?
6) When are you going on a journey?
7) He is never tired of playing the computer.
8) He saw his friend on board the ship.