Гэт гот гот
Гив гейв гивен
Гоу вэнт ган
Хэв хэд хэд
Хиэ хэд хэд
<span>1) Simon is going to fly to Yamaguchi
2) They are going to stay at a campsite
3) Elena isn't going to travel by bus
4) Elena is going to miss Russian food
5) Simon isn't going to be homesick
6) It is going to be an amazing experience
Борющийся( суффикс ющ), зависимый( суффикс им), управляемый(суффикс ем), дашащий (суффикс ащ)
Посмотри на этом сайте, может найдешь
1. In the summer the city has so-called White Nights.
2. It is not dark and many people celebrate it by singing and dancing by the Neva river and watching boats pass under the opened bridges. There are also a lot of fireworks set off at that time.