He drank juice when she come into the kitchen.-She cooking dinner when he was calling.-They are played when the film began.-We were going down the street when we met him.-<span>My mother buy vegetables when she saw me.-</span>
1) David wanted to know if they had enjoyed the party.
2) I asked him if he liked spinach.
3) He asked her if she had left her keys in the car.
4) His father asked her if he would get a good job when he left school.
5) She asked her little brother if he had been frightened of the storm the previous night.
6) My mother asked us if we had spent all our money at the shops.
7) She asked me if he was coming for dinner.
8) I asked my dad if he could help me with my luggage.
Читать сказки-read fairy tales
Уфа губернский город, на правом берегу реки Белой, на утесистом полуострове (высотой 500 футов), образуемом слиянием рек У. и Белой; первая впадает в последнюю немного выше города. Жителей в 1897 г. 49961 (25257 мжч., 24704 жнщ.). Церквей православн. 23, раскольн. молельня, римско-катол. церковь, монастырей православных 2 (мужской в 2 вер. от города и женский), мечетей 2. Местопребывание муфтия и магометанского духовного управления. Мужская и женская гимназии, реальное училище, женская прогимназия, духовная семинария, дворянский пансион для девиц, духовные учил. муж. и жен., уездное уч. и другие школы, в том числе несколько для инородцев и несколько частных. Обществ, преследующих просветительные цели, 3, филантропических 5, спорта 1. Музей, городская общественная библиотека, 5 книжных лавок. Губернская земская больница (на 100 кроватей) и больница для душевнобольных. Богоугодных заведений 10; при 3 из них имеются школы (в том числе 1 магометанская). Колония для малолетних преступников.
I have a daughter, who's like a real miracle in my life. She has golden hair, blue eyes and the most beautiful lips I've ever seen. She is like an angel. She helps me with everything, besides she gives me her love, what is the realest love in the world. I cannot imagine what I should do if I hadn't got her. When I feel tired, she askes me to sit and begins to act like she is an angel and is taking all my tiredness away, and that helps me for sure. I think it's wonderful to have children. They make our life more interesting and we understand the meaning of life through them..