<span>choose the odd one out: water bottle shop pencil river</span>
<span>вода - НЕИСЧИСЛЯЕМОЕ</span>
<span> карандаш</span>
I'm don't like food
Food eat only bastard`s
i'm watching food
I'm don't like food
My brother like food
Sally cant play the piano and use a computer. She can climb a tree and ride a horse.
Peter cant play the piano and climb a tree. He can ride a horse and use a computer.
Brian cant ride a horse. he can play the piano, climb a tree and use computer
Meg cant play the piano, climb a tree and ride a horse. She can use a computer
4- wasn’t (это предложение не вопросительное)
1see,i will tell
2.will ,is
3.go, will meet
4.need,will help
5.will have, is
6.ask,will tell
7.will finish,can
8.won 't take,doesn't rain