Dog it is very good animal.She(He) always going to people which her(his) raise in heat and comfort.And dog have a very good cutie.Dog always going to when cuet eat.Dog it most best friend a people.If your dog to love it will reciprocate.So need to love animals and they will love us.The dog will protect and protect the family from harm.A dog is the most mobile animal I know.The dog never stands still it is the most energichnymi animal but the dog can love his master as he.
Test 16 B3
Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1-6 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами A-G. Одна из частей в списке A-G - лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть предложения, в таблицу.
At Bedworth Community Centre, we've got many different courses you can do in the evening. First of all, there's flower arranging. If you thought flower arranging was just putting flowers in a vase, think again! It's actually quite difficult, 1 E. but we'll teach you how. Or perhaps you'd like to make your own vases, plates, mugs and bowls. We'll show you how. For beginners and experts alike, this course makes the most of Bedworth Community Centre's wonderful Ceramics Centre. All equipment is provided, 2 B. but there is a small charge for clay. What about French? By the end of the course, you should be able to read, write and speak enough French to have a successful holiday in France. Here's your chance to learn, 3 F. G. which is easier than you think. Do you want to know more about the history of the Bedworth area? We offer local history classes. Although we'll start every class at the Community Centre, we'll spend a lot of our time out and about in the local area. We'll visit some of the key landmarks and buildings, 4 A. where the past will come to life. For those new to computers, we've got a course about using the internet. Together, we'll explore many of the exciting things there are to find on the web. You'll even learn how to make your own website, 5 F. beginning with the absolute basics. Finally, why not come along to our photography classes? It's a great way to have fun and make friends. Just bring along your own camera and meet people 6 D. who are interested in a new hobby.
A. where the past will come to life
B. but there is a small charge for clay
C. because it'll help you get a job
D. who are interested in a new hobby
E. but we'll teach you how
F. beginning with the absolute basics
G. which is easier than you think
Преобразование приговоров из активного в пассивный они cancelledthe рейс в Рим. Карл Elle предназначены эти солнечные очки. Моя мама делает этот салат с огурцы маринованные и петрушкой. Они предложили ему новое задание. Кто-то уже очищены в комнате.
Дэвид Бэкхэм - спортсмен. Футбол это его первая любовь. У него очень хорошая карьера(это если дословно,лучше сказать успешная). Он Английская футбольная суперзвезда. Многие журналисты в разных странах пишут про него. Его фото можно увидеть во многих журналах и газетах. Молодые люди часто говорят о нем и делают фото. вторая любовь Дэвида - машины. у него их семь. Его люьбимая машина - мэрсэдэс. Дэвид женат. Его жену зовут Виктория. У них четверо детей. трех сыновей зовут - Бруклин, Romoe(не знаю как по-русски) и Круз, а дочь зовут Харпер. Дэвид хороший муж и отец. Если он играет в футбол заграницей,то он всегда звонит своей семье. Он очень любит свою жену и своих детей.