Become, became, becume
felt, felt, felt
die, died, died
- это не знаю
catch, cought, cought
It is cold wet
it is scary and green and small
it is bad and looks like on leaf
1 What nice weather!
2 The news is important.
3 The advice is good, but I can't follow it.
4 The information is wrong.Try to get it again.
5 Where is the money? I've put it into the bag. I think, it is there.
1. rise /или ты пропустила are перед пропущенным словом, ну, и если это так, то пропущенное слово - rivers.
2. action
3. main/major
4. states
5. stretched
6. <span>desert
7. - /единственное, что на ум приходит - это miss, но оно не в тему
8. chain</span>
He has got a long dark brown hair,he has glasses and a mustache and a beard