<span>4 and he often lived near to poverty
1 yet during his lifetime he was largely ignored and often called mad
5 that one cannot be properly understood without the other
for him the vision were real and directly inspired and guided his art
3 his visionary powers transformed everything around him
6 which contain some of the simplest and most beautiful lyrics in the English language
2 he never quite left home
you can make __a__ decision on purely economic grounds, buying __a__
computer is often more like joining __a__ religious cult. Buy __an__ Apple,
for example, and almost by default you join Apple chairman Steve Jobs
in his crusade against IBM. Every machine has its "users' groups" and
__a__ band of loyal enthusiasts who tout its merits. That makes it all
__the__ more difficult for __the__ uninitiated to decide what machine to buy.
Students have __a__ huge advantage, however. The computer companies are
so eager for students' business (it builds "brand loyalty") that many
offer huge discounts.
In the past six months, IBM, Apple, and others have brought out new
computers, and ____ fierce competition has forced prices down. Also,
time is on your side: next year at __the__ time you'll have even more
choice and more computing power and features for __the__ same price. On
__the__ other hand, this will probably be true for many years. So, for those
who need or want __a__ computer now, it's a great time to buy one.
Это очень легко. Ты можешь сделать сама,для этого надо поставить слово MORE перед словами в скобках и вписать их в окошко. Только в 4 и 5 предложениях вместо слов hot пишем hotter - happy - happier- эти слова образуют сравнительную степень прилагательных по другому правилу. ПОВТОРИ ПРАВИЛА. УДАЧИ!
Компьютер - неотъемлемая часть жизни подростка. Ни один подросток не представляет сейчас свою жизнь без интернета. Это касается не только компьютера, но и остальных гаджетов. Компьютер отбирает у подростка массу свободного времени, зомбирует его. По статистике, подросток проводит за компьютером 2 - 4 часа в день, хотя мог бы проводить это время с пользой. Кроме того, компьютер значительно ухудшает зрение, что плохо сказывается на учёбе. Но есть и плюсы: компьютер упрощает подростку жизнь, общение со сверстниками становится лёгким и доступным.
2) shorter, much shorter than Teresa
3)heavier , much heavier than Sandra
4) longer, much longer
5)taller, much taller
6) thinner, much thinner