<h2> МАСЛЕНИЦА</h2>
Carnival.<em>The time of Maslenitsa week depends on the beginning of Lent, which translates Easter, and each year is shifted in accordance with the Orthodox Church calendar.
In pre-Christian Russia, the celebration was called " Seeing off the winter."
Our ancestors worshipped the sun as a God. And with the onset of the first spring days, rejoiced that the sun begins to warm the earth. Therefore, there was a tradition to bake round, shaped like the sun, cakes. It was believed that eating such a dish, a person will receive a piece of sunlight and heat. Over time, the cakes were replaced with pancakes.</em>
Пункт 2. <em>In the first three days of the holiday there was an active preparation for the celebration:
<em>they brought wood for the fire,
<em>they decorated huts, built mountains, dressed in the best clothes, went to theatrical performances, visited booths to see buffoons and fun with a bear. </em>
Пункт 3. <em>They made a Scarecrow out of straw, put old women's clothes on it, impaled it on a pole and drove it singing in a sleigh through the village. Then the Maslenitsa was placed on a snowy mountain, where they had sleigh rides.
Rich people started making pancakes on Monday, poor people on Thursday or Friday.
various entertainments began: sleigh rides, folk festivals, performances.In each family, tables were set with delicious food, pancakes were baked, in the villages beer was brewed in folds.On Thursday, there were also hot Shrovetide fist fights, fists, leading from Ancient Russia.</em>
Пункт 4.During the holiday, people feel the appearance of spring, joy, after the celebration in their soul like a stone from the soul broke, it becomes easy and cheerful.I think Maslenitsa is the most cheerful holiday that has survived since the years of pre-Christian Russia.