Pineapple- ананас
Coconut - кокос
Beans- бобы
Flour- мука
Salt- соль
Olive oil- оливковое масло
Mango- манго
Tomato- помидор, томат
Pepper- перец
Sugar- сахар
Butter- масло
was - для ед. числа
were - для мн. числа
<span><span>1) Moscow was founded</span> in 1147</span>
2) our capital was founded by Yuri Dolgorukiy
3) my favourite place is the Red Square
4) The <span>Tretyakov Gallery and <span> the </span>Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts</span>
<span>5) I'm very <span>proud of our country and Moscow at all</span></span>
<span><span>6) Moscow has <span>one of the deepest underground metro systems in the world</span></span></span>
<span><span><span>7)Of course! Because t<span>here are 1696 high schools in Moscow, as well as 91 colleges. Besides these, there are 222 institutions of higher education, including 60 state universities and the Lomonosov Moscow State University, which was founded in 1755.</span></span></span></span>