<span>Speech is silver but silence is gold <span>Слово — серебро, молчание — золото
</span></span><span>Soon learnt, soon forgotten - <span>Выученное наспех быстро забывается
</span></span><span>Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach - <span>He тяни руку дальше рукава
</span></span><span>Saying and doing are two things - <span>Сказать и сделать — две разные вещи
не знаю то ли это если еще надо пиши</span></span>
For timetables we use Present Simple.Fore Future arrangements we use Future Cont
We can see the picture of Leonardo da Vinci "Mona Lisa". This is the most famous picture of the world. It depicts Gioconda, smiling mysteriously to us. She has a translucent veil on her head, and also no eyebrows. The most important thing in this picture is a smile. They say that da Vinci wrote it for 12 years.
Мы можем видеть картину Леонардо да Винчи "Мона Лиза". Эта самая известная картина мира. На ней изображена Джоконда, таинственно улыбаясь нам. На голове у нее полупрозрачная вуаль, а так же отсутствуют брови. Самое главное в этой картине — улыбка. Говорят, что да Винчи писал ее 12 лет.
As about me I think that unusual hobby is Sudoku.Sudoku is called Japanese puzzle.Lets look at news-stand and look through newspapers, magazines that are on sale.A lot of big and small editions are devoted to this puzzle and their number has been increasing.
You can see,that everywhere people are solving Sudoku-in bus,in metro,at work.I dont think that its bad,because such hobbies develop intellect.
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