Interesting places of St. Petersburg
Yuo should start the walk from metro station "Nevsky Prospekt" or "Gostiny Dvor".
Approximate itinerary covering the main attractions is:
Palace Square - St. Isaac's Square - The Bronze Horseman - The Palace Bridge -
then Vasilievsky island - the Peter and Paul fortress - the Cruiser "Aurora" - Troitsky Bridge - Summer Garden - the Savior on Blood.
It will take about five hours.
If you want to know the history and culture of the city ,enjoy the beauty of St. Petersburg, I would suggest you to pay more attention and time for such attractions as *** St. Isaac's Cathedral (from one to two hours)
*** The Hermitage (from four hours)
*** Peterhof (Petrodvorets) (about five hours)
*** Petropavskaya Fortress (about three-four hours)
One of the most important thing is to see and enjoy <span>drawbridges</span> and to know what the "white nights" are.
Всегда вспоминая Лондон ,мы вспоминаем Бин Бен или башню Елезоветы. В 2018 году ему исполняется 159 лет .
<span>1 beautifully
2 </span><span>careful
3 </span><span>bad
4 </span>slowly quickly<span>
5 </span><span>hard
6 </span><span>strange
7 </span>strangely
8 <span>well
9 </span><span>complete
10 </span><span>unhappy
11 </span><span>unhappily
12 </span><span>good
13 </span><span>happy
14 </span>angry calmly
15 usually <span>good
16 </span>fastly <span>careful
пжл отметь как лучшее </span> be play spend walk
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