She is not looking at me. I am playing in football now.
What are you doing now?
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных: short, long, silly, busy, big, rich, poor, nice, clever, pretty,
valeryfadeeff [9]
Short-shorter-the shortest
long-longer-the longest
silly-sillier-the silliest
busy-busier-the busiest
big-bigger-the biggest
rich-richer-the richest
nice-nicer-the nicest
clever-cleverer-the cleverest
pretty-prettier-the prettiest
shy-shyer-the shyest
fine-finer-the finest
sweet-sweeter-the sweetest
В своей жизни я хотел бы изменить многое,например:Семью.Мой папа алкаш,а мама повар.Мы любим друг друга.У нас есть младший брат,он приемный.Хотелось бы,чтобы он ходил со мной в школу,а не сидел за компьютером целыми днями.По-крайней мере он его воображает.У него большое будущее!Так вот,помню в детском садике показывали друг другу наши шланги.Я хотел бы это изменить.
I ate sandwich yesterday.
Yesterday i played tennis with my friends.
I went to school at half past eight yesterday.
I went to the shop yesterday.
The sisters have have got a big bed
Cinderella has got a little bed.
The sisters have got a lot of cats.
Cinderella has got a big shoes.
<span>Cinderella has got a little bed
.Cinderella has got a small bedroom.</span>