Сочинение писать не буду,дам простой пример,сама развить тему думаю в состоянии.Английский язык сильно распространен,т.к. Великобритания с 1500-х годов по 20 век заколонизировала почти весь земной шар,поэтому в колонизированных странах говорили по английски.
2. мой дядя профессор в университете
он будет путешествовать по Европе в июле
автобус приближается к остановке
я не видел его в городе долгое время
мы обычно обедаем в 12,00
они играют теннис на корте
студенты должны прийти на занятие в 09,00
The weight of the
planets was calculated by Newton as a young man.
The concept of relativity was proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905.
Most Cambridge colleges were found as schools of theology but in 1750 under the influence of Sir Isaak Newton, mathematics became compulsory and the main subject of study.
The first motor car was made in 1875 by an Austrian Siegfried Marcus. He used the internal combustion engine, which was perfected gradually.
The earliest motor cars were built like horse carriages and an early British company was called the Greatest Horseless Carriage Company.
The Rolls-Royce motor car was long known as the best car in the world.
Water was discovered under the Sakhara Desert.
Diamonds were found in South Africa in the 19th century.
The electric battery was invented by Luigi Galvan in 1786.
The craters on the moon were caused probably by meteors.
Gold, silver and copper are valued for their luster.
Hi, Steve. In my free time in winter I walk and sled with friends, sometimes I go to visit them or sit at home. Since it's winter outside, all the time I sit at home and watch movies.
2. Vet, 3. Box, 4. Zebra, 5. Yacht, 6. Train