<u>1.</u> Harry is very easy-going. He never seems to get worried or angry about things.
<em>- Гарри очень </em><em>спокойный</em><em>. Он кажется никогда не беспокоится и не злится на что-либо.</em>
<u>2.</u> Jason is passionate about fitness. He goes to the gym every day.
<em>- Джейсон </em><em>увлечён</em><em> фитнесом. Он ходит в спортивный клуб каждый день. </em>
<u>3.</u> Teenagers are sometimes rebellious and disobey their parents and teachers.
<em>- Подростки иногда </em><em>мятежны</em><em> и не слушаются своих родителей и учителей.</em>
<u>4.</u> There are lots of creative people in her family - artists, writers and musicians.
<em>- В её семье много </em><em>креативных</em><em> людей - артисты, писатели и музыканты. </em>
<u>5.</u> Don't play rough games with your little brother. Try to be more gentle with him.
<em>- Не играй в грубые игры со своим младшим братом. Попытайся быть более нежным с ним.</em>
<u>6.</u> Jack is very outgoing. He loves chatting and meeting new people.
<em>- Джек очень </em><em>дружелюбный</em><em>. Он любит общаться и встречать новых людей.</em>
1) heavier
7)more beautiful
9)more dangerous
You are
I am
He is
She is
It is
We are
They are
1. fluently 2, easily 3. quickly 4. badly 5. well.
A)For example, if you will speak the truth to the teacher,something that is not slelat work,it can put a bad grade.And if silent,then maybe the teacher won't notice.
В)the students think that some classes are boring because they are not interested in the topics,they may not be able to do homework as well and samostoyatelnye.
С)important and evaluation and knowledge,because if you're going to learn,and know,and thus receive a good grade.