номер 2 1) When she was 13 ,sge ranked 8th in the world for undereighteens and her future looked bright
2)Bethany manage to surf again when she went surfing with her friends at tunnels beach in Hawaii
3) The Bethanys father fitted most of her boards with a special handle which she uses to pul herself up
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1) ну ту надо своё мнение к примеру i think she hasnt returned to this place beacause she have sense of self-preservation and the feelings of fear
yes she is determined person because she is not didn't give up
and go to end what she prefer to do in life
значит , я советую тебе переводить слова ,тексты ,запоминать слова, потому что сложно ответь на вопросы не зная перевод. Пользуйся переводчиком
Напиши 6 предложений о твоём завтраке, перекусе и обеде
2. No, Ann wasn't driving to work at 9:00. She was checking emails.
3. No, Ann wasn't checking her emails at 10:00. She was preparing reports
4. No, Ann wasn't exercising at the gym at 5:30. She was doing the shopping with Mark
5. No, Ann wasn't doing the shopping with Mark at 1:30. She was having lunch with Sue
<span><span><span>1.Behind the scary garden there was guide. 2.</span></span><span><span>In front the the fantastic river there was tourist. 3.To</span></span><span> the left of the sad hospital there was a knights.</span></span>
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