Name: England
Where is situated:centre and south
Capital: London
Symbol:Tudor rose
Name: Northern Ireland
Where is situated:<span> north-east of </span><span>Ireland
Symbol: flax flower
Where is situated:north
</span>Symbol:<span>The </span><span>thistle</span>
Where is situated:west
Symbol:the red dragon
В кожної людини є певна мрія в житті. Людина хоче добитися успіху, стати кращою. Якби в мене було три бажання , я б побажав щоб мама і тато жили вічно та були здорові. Потім я б попросив у Бога здоров"я та розуму. А третє щось про свое,особисте)
In every person there is some dream in life. Man wants to succeed, to become better.If I had three wishes, I would have wished to mom and dad live forever and be healthy. Then I'd ask God for Health "and the mind. A third own way about something, Personal)
Sometimes there are clouds in the sky
Do you travel very often?
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