1. He has just got up at 6 a.m
2. We have already translated English texts.
3. I have seen her today.
4. They have already passed the exams.
5. She has known him very well since 1980.
1. дедушка - бабушка
2. папа - мама
3. брат - сестра
4. дядя - тётя
5. муж - жена
6. сын - дочь
7. двоюродный брат - двоюродный брат
It, there, there, that, there, there, it, there, there, it, it, there, it, there, there, it, it, it, it, there, there, it, there, it, it, there
2. When someone has done semothing for you, you should say thank you.
3. When you have hurt someone, you can make it better by said sorry.
4. When you say what you're thinking so that people can hear, you said it out loud.
5. If someone didn't hear you, it helps to say it again.