1 is talking
2 decorated
3 takes, has, goes
4 toke
5 lives
6 started
7 was cooking
8 catchs
9 is clining
10 tried
11 have working
12 bought
13 leaf
14 came, changed, went
15 walked
16 went
17 had doing , played
18 work
Летом я с родителямим ездила в Москву.Я была у реки Москва,Красная площадь,Киевский вокзал,фонтаны,скульптуры,и другие достопремечательности.
Давайте немного поговори о Красной площади.По моему взгляду Красная площадь очень необыкновенно красивая площадьи самая большая в России.Интересно почему же она называется Красная? Само название говорит за себя.Все стены и кремль построенны из красного кирпича.На первый взгляд это было не понятно даже как то странно,что и зачем красные стены?Но нет окозалось даже оченьинтересно особенно красивы большие часы и они прекрасно смотрелись на красном фоне.Вообщем это прекрасная москва.Москва это наша столица и это наша Россия.
Еще я очень советою посетить Москву это великолепный город где множество достопреимечательностей
Eiffel Tower - a 300-meter steel tower, which is located in the center of Paris. The most famous French landmark and the world, which is only by force of circumstances has not been dismantled, as it was conceived in its construction.
The fate of the Eiffel Tower is quite interesting. Its construction was completed in 1889, the year France arranged the World's Fair, and the tower was the winner in the competition of the projects that were supposed to define the look of the fairgrounds and decorate it. According to the original plan 20 years after the exhibition the metal structure had to disassemble, since it does not fit into the architectural appearance of the capital of France and is not intended as a permanent building on the development of radio saved the most popular tourist attraction in the world.The Eiffel Tower is an unusual form of a pyramid. Four columns are based on a concrete foundation, and rising, they are interwoven into a single square column.
At a height of 57.64 meters the first four columns connected to the first square platform - the floor area of 4415 square meters, can accommodate 3,000 people. The platform rests on the arches, which largely forms a recognizable image of the tower and which serves as a gateway to the World's Fair.
Further columns continue to converge, and at a height of 115.7 meters form the second floor, already at 1430 square meters and designed for the simultaneous presence of 1,600 people.
Since the area of the second floor of the four pillars of the tower are woven into a single structure. It at an altitude of 276.1 meters is the third and last floor, an area not so small as it may seem - 250 sqm, which can receive 400 people at a time.
But on the third floor of the tower at a height of 295 meters is the lighthouse, it is now controlled by software. Crowned spire tower that was built later and which was modified several times.
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